14 Business Terms Every Entrepreneur Should Know

14 Business Terms Every Entrepreneur Should Know Do you ever get lost in business lingo? You know your stuff, yet feel lost when listening to industry speakers or chatting with a new client: Incubator? KPI? UVP? Huh? Do these buzzwords actually mean anything? Here at Creative Clan, we know how many moving parts a business […]

What is a Pitch Deck?

What is a Pitch Deck? You’ve perfected your script and know exactly how to cast your characters and start production — in your head. Or, you want to scale your business, and you finally mapped out financials and growth — again, in your head.  Creatives, entrepreneurs, and service providers: how do you communicate your grand […]

What is a business plan?

When starting a company, an important first step is creating a business plan. This is especially true if you’re seeking financing or grants. Investors and lenders will want to see a well-crafted business plan before they consider extending a loan or investing in your company. However, a business plan is a useful tool for planning your startup or developing operations. Continue reading below to learn more about business plans and how they can help you.